Sunday, January 18, 2015

The Power in Choice

I can't believe that I've only been at school for 2 feels like I never left! It has been a very good two week though. I really enjoy all of my classes, learning tons (academically and socially) and having fun along the way. One of the lessons I am learning (or re-learning) is the power that comes from Choice.

I had a situation in my apartment that was, let's say less than ideal. It was making me so angry and resentful inside and those are not feelings that are easy to mask so they started influencing my whole outlook on life in general. I was not happy and I was convinced it was because of the people I was living with. Then I talked with my mom and sister about it. They agreed that the situation needed to change but it also needed to be handled with care. So I called an apartment meeting. Every one came willingly and we talked it out and essentially resolved the issue. But I realized that I was still angry inside. What? I got what I wanted, we talked it out. Why was I still looking at life with storm clouds over my eyes? I prayed to Heavenly Father. He reminded me that real change has to come from within ourselves to really matter. So I decided to refocus my attitude. What a difference that made. The rest of the week I was Klaire again. I was happy, I had my sense of humor back, I didn't mind the horrible weather (too much). It was amazing. Choice is amazing. God gave us our agency with the knowledge that it would lead to our happiness or misery; and we are the ones who decide where it leads. I am so grateful to my Father in Heaven for trusting in me and loving enough to let me decide how I will take on life's challenges. I have the power to overcome any dark cloud that surfaces. That does not mean that I do not need help and guidance along the way but does mean that I control alot more than I thought I did. I know the power in choices is real. I know that agency is a gift from God and it is one of the greatest gifts we can be given.

My Challenge to You: Choose Today

Sunday, January 4, 2015

2015 has officially begun

Ok so my sibs got on my case about blogging so hopefully I will be getting better at it and this post will satisfy them for a while:)

I can't believe that 2014 is gone. I look back and I am totally filled with awe. I was so blessed this year in so many ways. I had experiences that I would not have thought were possible (or probable) but they were exactly what I needed to grow and become more like how my Savior wants me to be.

I think the biggest thing I have realized is that progression feels good. Sometimes its a hurts so good but as I look back at everything that happened this year, I don't regret any of the experiences that I had and I don't wish that none of them had happened. I wouldn't call any back but to see where I was last January and where I am this January is incredible and humbling. I know that Heavenly Father is guiding me and that it is through Him that I will reach my divine potential. I am so grateful to know that I am not walking through this life alone. I always have my Savior right next to me, plus all of my family.

I know that the people who read this blog are people who are close to me so I want to thank all of you for being a strength to me and helping me through all the ups and downs of life. Sure love you guys!