Sunday, September 14, 2014

So, its been a while, huh? I think the last thing I posted was about Aspen Grove and that adventure ended 4 weeks ago! Sorry about that. Well the summer turned out great up there. I met so many fun people and learned things about myself that I could never have learned other ways. Well, I might have learned them but it would have taken longer and I wouldn't have the fun memories to go along with the lesson:)

I just want to take a second and tell you guys that Heavenly Father really knows His children individually and perfectly. Everything that has happen since April has confirmed that to me. The fact that I spent 10 days with Katey in April, had a job at home, got another job in Utah at exactly the right time, my family reunion, the three weeks at home before going to school and this volunteer thing that I did up here tell me that there is a loving Heavenly Father who is directing my life and preparing me for what I need to accomplish in every phase of life.

Well, I love you all TTFN