Sunday, May 12, 2013

Weekend Power UP!

Holy Moley! This weekend was the kick-start I needed to be able to finish these last two weeks of high school (say what?) and start a whole new summer.

1. My family is mine forever!
           Leaving family is always hard because I love them so stinkin much. How blessed I am to know                            that no matter what I will see them again and they will always be my family

2. Drops of Awesome
            Everyday I do something good. Maybe all it is is brushing my teeth, but if I can focus on little awesomenesses then that will help me keep on the bright side of life. I love being happy and since sometimes its a little difficult, I'm going to make a "Drops of Awesome" journal and write in it every night (in addition to my Heavenly Father's Hand journal)

3. Tough times never last, but Tough people do
            The regrets, hard times, mistakes, annoyances and all that other junk will not be forever. The person who endures them with a heart full of faith in the Savior will last forever.

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