The Future...and man did I get blind sided! But I have to say that as far as blindsides go this is definitely the best one to have.
I was sitting at work on day and mom called me on the office phone. These are her exact words, "Have you heard from Kitt this morning or checked your email?" I said no. She says, "Well you need to right now because there is something that you need to think about right away." How's that for getting curiosity peaked? I was so scared that something had happened to Kitt but it turns out that nothing was wrong with Kitt at all. Mark Longhurst from Aspen Grove had emailed her and asked if I still wanted a job up here. So she emailed me and said I needed to call them as soon as possible. The rest of the morning was probably the most unproductive morning I had all summer. All I could think about was if I was going to go to Aspen Grove. Well, I called up here and they set up another skype interview with me. In the interview they asked me how fast I could get up here and I said that I had a ride that could leave Saturday and I could be to work on Tuesday. They said great and I went back to the office and told Camille that Friday was going to be my last day. She was heart-broken but asked me to come back and work for them the last 3 weeks of August before I go back to school and she also gave me a pay raise! So now I am working in the dining hall at Aspen Grove Family Camp.
This has been an amazing experience. It has had its challenges but I am really enjoying being up here. THe people that I work with are super fun and the rest of the staff is freakin bomb, too. So far I've been able to play in the river, shop at DI, make a bowl, and play water polo.Plus Kara and Seth came to visit! I am so grateful that I am here. This experience has taught me many things and is still teaching me things. The biggest lesson I've learned is that Heavenly Father is very aware of me. He knows that there is a Klaire Bryce in Provo Canyon and He is watching out for me every step of my journey through life.
*I dont know how to rotate photos... sorry
My cabin |
My Room |
The Bowl I made |
Stewart Falls |
Kara and Me |
Beautiful View |
Wow!! So great.