So I've started a few projects this summer. One: I'm trying to learn the guitar. I love he way this instrument sounds and it's a blast to play but I don't know that I'll ever be a pro at it....that's ok though. I'll just enjoy it for the fun of having a little knowledge about something other than the piano. I'm also trying to memorize some songs on the piano. I figured that it would be nice to be able to just sit down any where and pull out a song without music right in front of me.
I also did a little painting. This is something that I have never tried but it was kinda fun to paint on a canvas
Also I made a peach pie for the first time in my life and fingers crossed at it turns out cuz I accidentally used lime juice instead if lemon juice:/ haha oopsies
I've learned some pretty awesome things these past couple weeks. I've learned that God will never take our agency away. We are the ones who choose to be happy, sad, productive, lazy, grateful, cheerful, happy, etc. He doesn't take the choice from us but He also knows that there is only one way to find happiness and purpose and contentment in our lives and that is through Him. Any other way is counterfiet and its rewards ( if you can call them that...maybe returns is a better word) are going to be short lived and leave us feeling empty and at a loss. I love this quote from Sheri Dew "He knows the way because He is the way". When I think in that way I know it makes the road seem waaay more clear. Do I have all the answers? No, but I don't need all he answers. Heavenly Father has the answers and He will lead us to the right places, people, and circumstances. He will give us what we need when we need it. It might not be what we think we need or what we want. He sees what's around what's around the corner and what's right in front of us. He won't let us fail when we follow Him. He can't. It's against His nature. We know from the scriptures that He never changes. He didn't let Nephi fail. He didn't let Moses, or Enoch, or Moroni, or any of His other children who followed Him. He's not going to change now. That promise is one of the most strengthening and empowering doctrines of this gospel. I know this church is true. I know God loves me and all of His children. I know He has a plan for me that is special, and just for me. He will guide me in it as I turn my life, will, and heart to Him. He will do the same for you. Never forget who you are and who you have always been.
You are such an amazing woman. I hope to be like you.