Sunday, December 2, 2012

I dare you keep a straight face

Next time a solicitor calls give your three year old the phone  and tell them its Santa.

A camera in a haunted house... genius.

Kitt? What?

Mustache Pacifier

These pictures were just too funny!!

Sunday, November 25, 2012


Every Monday in Seminary we what we call Spiritual Experiences (or FS depending on the teacher) and we share a time during the week when we felt the spirit. I used to share all the time but this year for some reason I could never figure out how to share. That's confusing so let me explain. I had spiritual experiences, one every week even, but every time I went to share I couldn't figure out how to put it into words. Then I read a talk given by Elder Craig C. Christensen called "An Unspeakable Gift from God."(Pg. 12 of the conference ensign). When I reread the talk that phrase, "unspeakable gift of the spirit" I felt like I had an epiphany. Sometimes when the spirit talks to us we know he is talking because he speaks to our spirits. Everyone's spirit is different so what or how the Holy Ghost speaks to me might not make sense to other people. You are probably saying "you got that right this makes no sense" but when you think about it, it totally does. It doesn't matter if the experience doesn't sound like a prompting from the spirit, what matters is that you know it was! I got really excited when I read that and I thought it might be good to share.

This blog started out to be just me living life but it's kind of switched over to things I'm learning as I am going through daily life as a high schooler preparing for college. Maybe you don't see it that way but that's ok. TTFN

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Blast to the Past!

Okay so a loooong time ago (october) I ran a 5k called the Neon Splash Dash. I went with Ainslee McBride, Paige Christensen and Emma Thompson. We took some pictures but we had to wait to post anything anywhere until after Cross Country Season because if the AIA saw the pictures of Ainslee running a race that wasn't a cross country race the whole team would be disqualified. So the season is over and here's some pictures!

Finish line

Before the race

Second splash zone

From left to right: Sis. McBride, Emma, Ainslee, Paige, Me, Sis. McBride's sister, Sis. McBride's sister's friend from England!

Sunday, November 11, 2012


How many of you thought this was going to be a list of I'm grateful for...?

It's not. I just wanted to share a spiritual experience I had today. I felt overwhelmed and like every time I took a half of a step forward I got shoved back ten! Then I remembered that we have something wonderful called the Priesthood. I asked Dad to give me a father's blessing. I won't tell you exactly what was in it because that is very personal but I can bear my testimony. Heavenly Father has not left me alone. He is right by my side giving the strength I need to do what I need to do everyday. He knows what I am going through and has given me the means to accomplish it. He knows me and loves me, as does my Savior.

After the blessing I went upstairs to write about it and saw a sign in my room that my wonderful sister in law made me for my birthday one year. It says, "I can do hard things." I remembered that I found notes on talk that had that same saying in it somewhere in my room, so I started to look for it. I didn't find it but what I did find was another answer to prayer. I found a nice note from all the kids in my seminary class that reminded that I can be an influence for good and I found a talk by Elder Jeffery R. Holland entitled, "Because of your Faith".

Heavenly Father never forgets us, His children, here on Earth. He is best ally in times of peril. I also want to add that family right up there next to Him. Without my sibling, their spouses, and my parents I'd be in a world of hurt. I am so glad that is not something I have to worry about leaving me. My family will be my family forever.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Today I Choose...

I have come to believe that everyday is a choice. I decide if I am happy or sad or angry or moody or hyper or ANYTHING! So if it is my choice, then why not choose to be happy everyday? That seems like a no-brainer.

But like everything in life it's not as easy as it seems. It's easy to say it but to live it is hard. But nothing worthwhile in life comes easy right? And that makes it so when it does come its all the more sweet.

I like saying that I'm choosing my mood every morning because it gives me something to work towards during the day. If I get upset I remember that I chose to be happy. Then I turn my frown upside down and have a great rest of the day!

I encourage everyone to try this. Some days it doesn't seem like it makes a difference but other days its a life saver.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Senior quote

Every year in the yearbook the seniors have quote by their pictures. Here are a few I'm considering. Let me know what you think!
P.S They are all by Dr. Seuss

 1. Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you.
 2. Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting... get on your way!
 3. A person's a person no matter how small
 4. Oh the things you can fin if you don't stay behind
 5. Be who you are and say what you mean because those who mind don't matter and those who matter             don't mind.

General Conference

I know probably every single mormon blog in world is posting about this right now but it's kind of big deal to me.

Young women can serve missions at age 19. That means in a year and half I could be out serving. I would be the same age as Jack was when he left. I would only have a one semester of college behind me. I'm not going to lie it's a little frightening. I now  have on more option to consider that could change my entire life and that could happen in 18 months!!

I'm starting to wonder if maybe all the little teasing about going on a mission weren't just teasings.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

A few of my favorites

Since I won't see any of you guys for a while I decided to put up a few of my senior pictures that I like the most.

This one is going in the front room.

This one is going up on the wall

Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Beginning!

Well, I've seen so many wonderful blogs I decided I might try it out! It might turn out to be an epic fail but hey failure can make us better right?

Also since I'm only telling my family about this blog, THERE'S NO PRESSURE TO IMPRESS!!! woot woot