Sunday, November 11, 2012


How many of you thought this was going to be a list of I'm grateful for...?

It's not. I just wanted to share a spiritual experience I had today. I felt overwhelmed and like every time I took a half of a step forward I got shoved back ten! Then I remembered that we have something wonderful called the Priesthood. I asked Dad to give me a father's blessing. I won't tell you exactly what was in it because that is very personal but I can bear my testimony. Heavenly Father has not left me alone. He is right by my side giving the strength I need to do what I need to do everyday. He knows what I am going through and has given me the means to accomplish it. He knows me and loves me, as does my Savior.

After the blessing I went upstairs to write about it and saw a sign in my room that my wonderful sister in law made me for my birthday one year. It says, "I can do hard things." I remembered that I found notes on talk that had that same saying in it somewhere in my room, so I started to look for it. I didn't find it but what I did find was another answer to prayer. I found a nice note from all the kids in my seminary class that reminded that I can be an influence for good and I found a talk by Elder Jeffery R. Holland entitled, "Because of your Faith".

Heavenly Father never forgets us, His children, here on Earth. He is best ally in times of peril. I also want to add that family right up there next to Him. Without my sibling, their spouses, and my parents I'd be in a world of hurt. I am so glad that is not something I have to worry about leaving me. My family will be my family forever.

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