Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Today I Choose...

I have come to believe that everyday is a choice. I decide if I am happy or sad or angry or moody or hyper or ANYTHING! So if it is my choice, then why not choose to be happy everyday? That seems like a no-brainer.

But like everything in life it's not as easy as it seems. It's easy to say it but to live it is hard. But nothing worthwhile in life comes easy right? And that makes it so when it does come its all the more sweet.

I like saying that I'm choosing my mood every morning because it gives me something to work towards during the day. If I get upset I remember that I chose to be happy. Then I turn my frown upside down and have a great rest of the day!

I encourage everyone to try this. Some days it doesn't seem like it makes a difference but other days its a life saver.

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